Browsing Archive: January, 2016

Mammary tumor

Posted by Carlos Aguiar on Monday, January 25, 2016, In : spay 
12yr old yorkie presented with ulcerated mammary tumor.

Mammary tumors happen in middle aged nonspayed females. The mammary tissue grows and looses it's blood supply. As a result the tissue gets necrotic, as seen in this picture. 

This condition can be prevented by spaying before 6 months of age.

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Canine Pyometra

Posted by Carlos Aguiar on Tuesday, January 5, 2016,

Sissy is a 2yr female american bulldog who presented with profuse bloody vaginal discharge. She had no appetite and drank excessive amounts of water. On examination we found that she had pyometra (pus filled uterus), this condition requires immediate surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries. 

We took blood for a complete blood count and chemistry profile. We found Sissy to be positive for heartworm and have a severe infection. Heartworm makes the pyometra surgery more risky, both of these cond...
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